ChemiGreen’s Smartbladder™ Solutions offer a number of competitive advantages:
1. Controls any quantity and type of chemical.
2. Minimal infrastructure costs.
3. Provides a quick response.
4. Does not expose employees to lethal chemicals.
5. An automated response and alert system.
6. Provides a 24/7/365 real-time monitoring. |
Whereas both ChemiGreen Smartbladder Solutions and the standard valve solution operate by sealing drains, ChemiGreen retains several noteworthy advantages:
Flexibility – many location and pipes types inhibit from installing valves on some pipes. The WI-Plug is flexible and can be installed almost anywhere. A valve is very complicated to install in most underground pipes (most storm drains).
Reliability - Valves have low reliability under wet and winter conditions. Most require monthly maintenance. In most iced conditions, valves cease to work. Debris also inhibits their proper functionality.
Price — because ChemiGreen's WI-Plug does not require infrastructure, its installed unit cost is less than half that of the installed flap solution.
Installation Time — ChemiGreen's WI-Plug takes less than an hour to install. A motorized flap requires at best a full day to install and requires major changes in infrastructure.
Maintenance — ChemiGreen's WI-Plug needs one hour year maintenance, while flap solutions require lengthy maintenance to the motor and shaft.
Activation — ChemiGreen's WI-Plug will be automatically activated, comes with a built-in remote activation, and can be connected to existing alarm systems and cell phone and email systems. A motorized flap is activated by a manual switch and lacks communication capabilities.
Logging & Monitoring – The Chemigreen system, with the appropriate option will log and retain all pertinent system information