ST. MARY'S CEMENT Ontario, Canada

St. Mary's cement is a cement quarry and manufacturer. On site there is a large Ammonia tank with a 40,000 liter capacity. The tank itself has a containment basin made of cement. During loading operations of the tank there is a risk of a spill. Fifteen meters away from the ammonia tank there is an unprotected storm drain. The drain leads to a retaining pond containing birds and fish. The pond is about 50 meters from the ammonia tank. In case of an accidental spill the spilled ammonia will reach the pond within minutes. ChemiGreen installed the WI-Plug in the storm sewer line leading to the pond. In case of a spill the operations room can activate the bladder within 10 seconds. The bladder will plug the pipe and create a containment area within the facility; the containment is enough to hold the entire bulk of chemicals. The system has been tested with a mock spill of about 10,000 liters of water and worked perfectly. The Bladder inflated within seconds and held back the water for over 2 hours. After two hours the bladder was deflated to release the water into the pond.




The catch basin where the WI-Plug was installed pre installation. There are two 18" pipes entering the catch basin and one 21" goes towards the pond.



Using confined space entry team; first we insert a stainless steel sleeve (316) into the pipe. The O-ring to ensure a seal between cement pipe and sleeve can be seen on the STS sleeve. This operation takes about 5-30 minutes.



Antenna used on 6' pole in order to ensure reception during snow cover, cable goes in cement groove under the parking lot. The pole is located about 30' from drain. In the back the retention pond can be seen. The pond is monitored by environment Canada.



The bright white horizontal line is a gripping mechanism no longer used since better solution is used by one way grippers. Also notice there are no clips used to connect the WI-Plug to STS sleeve. This is also not used any longer.



Water level can be seen going up. The WI-Plug was moved upwards in order to create a better image. Note the sharp gravel in the bottom of the pipe; these didn't cause damage to the bladder.