Another option for Antenna:
A flat protective plastic enclosure that contains the antenna in areas where snow is cleared. The cover is below the surface of the road. Trucks can drive over the antenna cover. This is installed in Timken St. Thomas Ontario.
JohnsonDivercey, Ontario. The catch basin is under the tripod. This installation follows a massive spill of bleach which was released into the city storm sewer system. This will never happen again!
In the bottom right the edge of the catch basin can be seen, we dug a small ditch to allow the antenna conduit to be interested. The antenna was mounted in on the electric pole in the back of the image.
A test performed in Johnson Divercy system. The bladder can be seen inflated in the pipe.
Inflated Bladder System:
An image of the "other side" of an inflated bladder. The tripod is used in order to support the bladder back side. The bladder has a rigid rib and in order not to strain it we install a simple two rod support system. This is a 24" viton bladder inflated prior to shipping as is any product leaving our facility. This is a part of our quality control, a full system test in house. Another full test will be done post installation at customer site by customer.